We have many memorials that will meet your needs - flat markers, beveled, slant, upright and bench memorials.
We take pride in honoring every veteran. Ask us about the many options we have to remember a veteran's service.
Our granite selection provides the color and texture options that you are looking for in a memorial.
Here at Fergus Monument, we are sensitive to your situation and will provide our best advice and experience to help you make the right decision regarding memorial style and commemoration. Thank you for trusting our family with you and yours.
The Fergus Falls Monument Company has been helping people memorialize their loved ones for over 125 years. We offer the perfect combination of talented craftsmanship, distinctive memorials and quality customer service. We take pride in our ability to produce beautiful yet affordably priced memorials.
Mission Statement
To provide the highest quality memorial for the most reasonable price with an emphasis on total customer satisfaction.
Fergus Falls Monument $1500 Certificate good towards purchase of a memorialFergus Falls Monument $1500 Certificate good towards purchase of a memorial